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Banana Oat Cookies

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  • Author: Stacey Clare
  • Total Time: 25 minutes


These Banana Oat Cookies are the kind of healthy ones you're happy for the kids to demolish in an afternoon. There is no added sugar and the chocolate is dark without any nasties. Truth is, I have often served them up for brekkie with a green smoothie, my babes love them.


2 large bananas (400g), smashed
100g butter, melted
3 cups whole oats
1 cup shredded coconut
1/4 cup collagen powder
2 tbsp chia seeds
2 tspsn vanilla
2 tspsn cinnamon
1/2 cup carob buttons
1/3 cup sultanas


Melt your butter and pop your oven on to 180 to pre-heat.

Meanwhile, mash your banana. I do this by hand but you could absolutely pop it in a blender.

Then stir in all the remaining ingredients. It should come together. I use wet hands to form little balls and push them flat on a baking tray.

Mine take 20-mins to cook, but watch them from 15-mins on incase your oven runs hot.


Switch out your oats for quinoa flakes if you're oat free.

  • Prep Time: 5
  • Cook Time: 20