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Healthy LCM Bars - 3 Ingredients

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  • Author: Stacey Clare


I love a recipe hack, and my quick, healthy take on LCM Bars is it!

Grab some rice bubbles or puffed brown rice like me, mix it with peanut butter and honey and DONE; you have the easiest and yummiest bars.

Check out my tips below; mixing them with puffed millet is so good!! Oh, and the added protein hacks are ace, too.


4 cups puffed rice
3/4 cup nut butter
1/2 cup raw honey
Optional extras:
2 tbsp hemp seeds
1 scoop protein powder
Dark chocolate drizzled on top


Stir the nut butter and honey together. Make sure it's very runny.

Then, stir in the puffed rice and any extras you might like to add.

Then, press it well into a lined container. Pop it in the fridge or freezer to set. I make sure it's solid before chopping into squares.

Store in the fridge or freezer. My babes LOVE it frozen; I love that it slows them down from hoovering 6 pieces in a sitting! Ha!


* Puffed rice: Choose what works for you; rice bubbles, brown rice puffs, puffed millet, and puffed buckwheat all work great. My fav is 1/2 brown rice, 1/2 millet.
* Nut butter: I love a mix of peanut and almond. But any and every nut butter work; make sure it’s runny, like mine from the video.